GENERAL BOATING WATERSPORTS & BOATS SEATING COVERS/TOPS MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL HARDWARE PLUMBING PROPS & ANODES FUEL ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION SAFETY TROLLING & FISHING ANCHORING/ MOORING TRAILERING PAINT VENTILATION FASTENERS STEERING ENGINE ITEMS ARE STOCKED IN OUR WAREHOUSES BASED ON REGIONAL DEMAND. IF AN ITEM IS NOT IN STOCK AT A LOCAL WAREHOUSE, ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY. 114 ELECTRONICS Item# Description Material List 167-QCMS For Quick Connect antennas up to 8' Stainless Steel 163.87 EA • Standard 1" -14 thread • Bolt holes: 9/ 32", 3" x ½" on center • Water and dust protection cap, stays fastened to mount • PL-259 Connector & 20'RG-58 coax cable included To be used with QuickConnect® antennas only. Versatile four-way ratchet action and fastrelease handle design for quick and easy laydown. For deck or side mounting of QuickConnect® antennas. QCM - QUICKCONNECT® RATCHET MOUNT Item# Description List 167-414 Shim Kit 19.81 EA Fits #4186 and 4187 5deg. Tilt contains 2-front-to-back and 2-side-to-side shims. SHIM KIT Antenna Clips White rubber, flexible fishing rod and tool holder. Larger size will accommodate boat hooks and boarding ladders. Item# Size Qty Case List 50-72061 3/ 8" 4 12 17.20 PK 50-72071 5/ 8" 4 12 17.20 PK 50-72081 1" 2 12 17.20 PK 72081 72061 72071 ANTENNA, ROD AND TOOL HOLDER Rail Mount Antenna Mounts Item# Material Case List 50-19561 White Nylon 10 28.41 EA Fits rail tubing 7/ 8" or 1" and standard 1"-14 threaded antenna ferrules. NYLON ANTENNA RAIL MOUNT Item# Material Case List 50-19541 316 cast stainless steel 10 102.53 EA Mount fits both 7/ 8" and 1" rails and standard 1"-14 threaded antenna ferrules. STAINLESS STEEL ANTENNA RAIL MOUNT Item# Fits List 922-RA01 1" Rails 153.33 EA Includes a watertight seal for additional protection against exposure to the sea. Allows for internal cable routing for a neat installation. STAINLESS STEEL RAIL MOUNT Item# List 167-4720 51.10 EA Stainless steel. Mount comes with nylon adaptors to fit 7/ 8", 1" and 11/ 4" rails. Standard 1"-14 thread. Can also be mounted to flat surfaces. ECONOMY RAIL MOUNT Item# List 167-4190 108.48 EA Designed for quick and easy installation on 7/ 8" and 1" vertical or horizontal rails. Handles up to 8' antennas and has feed-thru provision for cable. 4190 STAINLESS STEEL RAIL MOUNT Item# Material List 167-4188SL Stainless steel 162.72 EA Swivel type ratchet action, fast release design for quick and easy laydown. Mounts easily on 7/ 8" to 11/ 2" vertical or horizontal rails. Handles antennas up to 8'. Standard 1"-14 thread. 9/ 32" hole for cable feed. RATCHET RAIL MOUNT Swivel Mounts and Standoffs Item# List 167-81S 158.55 EA Opt. Accy. Description List 167-408R Upper Support Bracket 47.35 EA Chrome-brass base for deck or side mounting. Base is dual joint, free pivoting to allow easy lowering of antenna for clearing overhead obstructions. Standard 1"-14 male threads. Use with stand-off bracket for larger antennas. 81S SWIVEL MOUNT Combines the 81-S Swivel Mount with the 408-R molded upper bracket. The bracket features an insert to accept 1" , 1-1-/8" or 11/ 2" diameter antennas or extension masts. • Swivel mount is stainless steel • Standard 1"-14 thread (male) 410-R SWIVEL MOUNT KIT Item# List 167-410R 214.88 KT