2025 Marine Catalogue - CANADA

GENERAL BOATING WATERSPORTS & BOATS SEATING COVERS/TOPS MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL HARDWARE PLUMBING PROPS & ANODES FUEL ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION SAFETY TROLLING & FISHING ANCHORING/ MOORING TRAILERING PAINT VENTILATION FASTENERS STEERING ENGINE ITEM NUMBERS IN RED ARE HAZARDOUS ITEMS IN BLUE ARE NEW D SEA VALUE Y OVERSIZED GCOURIER SURCHARGE GENERAL BOATING 149 Item# Description Fits List 163-15110 Regulator w/Knob Small & Large Sea-B-Que 67.48 EA 163-15120 Thermometer Small & Large Sea-B-Que 37.76 EA Item# Length List 163-15188 6' 48.56 EA 163-15189 8' 52.78 EA A standard propane hose available in 6' and 8' to hook directly to the BBQ. Runs directly into a standard propane tank with a POL fitting. HIGH PRESSURE GAS GRILL PROPANE HOSE Item# List 163-15193 92.99 EA Use this low pressure control valve with an already regulated propane line. The high pressure regulator control must be removed and replaced with this valve but ONLY if a low pressure regulator is already installed at the propane tank. BBQ LOW PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE Item# Description Size Cooking Surface Area List 735-58123 Gas Grill 24" H x 10" D x 8" H 145 Sq. in (368 cm) 504.15 EA The Profile 150 grill is the perfect portable grill for the chef with limited storage space. Its compact size is perfect for when space is at a premium. Profile grills can be easily transported and can also be mounted to any Kuuma rail, rod or pedestal mount. Designed for disposable or larger refillable tanks. PROFILE 150 BBQ GRILL Item# Description Size Cooking Surface Area List 735-58146 Gas Grill 20" L x 11.2" D x 11" H 125 Sq. in (317 cm) 472.44 EA The Stow N' Go 125 gas grill offers premium-quality stainless steel construction and convenient portability. Its compact size is perfect when space is at a premium. Integrated fold-away legs enable easy grilling on any flat surface. Grills can be easily transported and can also be mounted to any Kuuma rail, rod or pedestal mount. STOW N' GO 125 GAS BBQ GRILL An outstanding grill that offers premium-quality stainless steel construction and convenient portability. Integrated fold-away legs enable easy grilling on any flat surface. Easily transported grill can also be mounted to any Kuuma rail, rod or pedestal mount. 231/ 4" L x 10" D x 11" H. Item# Description Cooking Surface Area List 735-58134 Gas 160 Sq. in. (406 cm) 490.07 EA 735-58135 w/Thermostat & Ignitor 160 Sq. in. (406 cm) 567.68 EA With Thermostat/ Ignitor STOW N' GO 160 GAS BBQ GRILL Universal Rail Mt.: Use with square or round rail 7/ 8" - 1" thick, if rail is thicker, longer bolts are needed. Use on vertical, horizontal, or some angled portions of rail. Pedestal Mt.: Mount your Sea-B-Que or Spitfire grill in locations such as a deck, patio, power boat, swim platform or pontoon boat. Fishing Rod Holder Mt.: Fits most fishing rod holders. Best for smaller model BBQ’s. Scotty Mt.: For Scotty Type Fishing Rod Holder or instrument mount socket. The universal angle knuckle allows positioning at any angle. Fits smaller BBQ models. Taff Rail Mt.: Stainless steel tubes and sockets to create a stand off mount for your BBQ that can be installed in a cap rail or taff rail. The rails slide out for easy storage. Best mount for the larger BBQ’s. Food & Drink Tray: Stainless tray with plastic cutting board that clips onto the front of your BBQ to provide a convenient tray that you can prepare food on. Vinyl Cover: Protect your BBQ from the weathers elements. The covers feature a white Dickinson logo on the front. Item# Description Fits List Mounts 163-15150A Universal Rail Mt. Any Dickinson BBQ 93.49 EA 163-15150B Pedestal Mt. Sea-B-Que or Spitfire 154.83 EA 163-15150F Fishing Rod Holder Mt. Small BBQ models 116.10 EA 163-15150P Scotty Mt. Small BBQ models 116.10 EA 163-15187 Taff Rail Mt. Kit Large BBQ models 101.73 EA Food & Drink Trays 163-15180A Food and Drink Tray 00SPT180 58.92 EA 163-15180 Food and Drink Tray 00SBQS 58.92 EA 163-15181 Food and Drink Tray 00SBQL 64.40 EA Covers 163-15182 Blue Vinyl Cover 00SBQS 50.49 EA 163-15185 Black Vinyl Cover 00SBQS 50.49 EA 163-15183 Blue Vinyl Cover 00SBQL 52.20 EA 163-15184 Black Vinyl Cover 00SBQL 52.20 EA 15150P Vinyl Cover Food & Drink Tray 15150F 15150A 15150B BBQ MOUNTS AND ACCESSORIES Item# Description Fits List 163-15061 Burner, 17" Small Sea-B-Que 95.59 EA 163-15060 Burner, 19" Large Sea-B-Que 95.59 EA 163-15080 Drip Tray Small & Large Sea-B-Que 41.25 EA 163-15182S Grill Section, Stainless Small Sea-B-Que 30.99 EA 163-15182P Grill Section, Porcelain Coated Small Sea-B-Que 29.58 EA 163-15183S Grill Section, Stainless Large Sea-B-Que 34.82 EA 163-15183P Grill Section, Porcelain Coated Large Sea-B-Que 33.25 EA 163-15130 Handle, Lid, Round Small & Large Sea-B-Que 16.14 EA 163-15101 Ignitor Assembly Large & Round Sea-B-Que 30.15 EA 163-15073 Orifice Assembly Small Sea-B-Que 21.05 EA 163-15072 Orifice Assembly Large Sea-B-Que 21.05 EA SEA-B-QUE BBQ REPLACEMENT PARTS Orifice Ignitor Regulator Thermometer Grill, Porcelain Grill, Stainless Burner Drip Tray