GENERAL BOATING WATERSPORTS & BOATS SEATING COVERS/TOPS MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL HARDWARE PLUMBING PROPS & ANODES FUEL ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION SAFETY TROLLING & FISHING ANCHORING/ MOORING TRAILERING PAINT VENTILATION FASTENERS STEERING ENGINE ITEM NUMBERS IN RED ARE HAZARDOUS ITEMS IN BLUE ARE NEW D SEA VALUE Y OVERSIZED GCOURIER SURCHARGE SAFETY 177 Item# Size Rating Volts Case List 354-4312501 51/ 4" L x 33/ 8" W x 11/ 2" D 111 db 12 5 67.31 EA Powder coated steel and injection molded nylon. Includes horn plus one chrome and one white decorative billet screw-in grill. Hole size 23/ 4" diameter. Meets USCG COLREGS and ABYC standard A-23 for use on vessels under 12m (39'). NMMA Type Accepted #2577066. V.3 DROP-IN HIDDEN HORN Stainless steel cover. 12V DC. For use in extreme weather exposure locations and limited space applications. Complete with mounting pad and wire harness. COMPACT ELECTRIC HORN 14501 14521 Item# Description Size Rating Amps Case List 50-14501 Single 31/ 2" x 31/ 4" x 25/ 16" 105 db 4 12 61.33 EA 50-14521 Double 73/ 4" x 39/ 32" x 27/ 32" 108db 8 10 118.60 EA Item# Description Volts List 69-11520 Mini horn 12 52.67 EA The single has the same mounting pattern as Marinco 10035. ECONOMY MINI COMPACT HORN Item# Description Size Volts List 69-10035 Single 3" L x 31/ 4" W x 13/ 4" H 12 61.54 EA 69-10001 Double 3" L x 8" W x 13/ 4" H 12 127.26 EA The most popular compact marine horn worldwide. Inexpensive, totally sealed sound unit. 304 stainless steel cover, diaphragm and mounting bracket. One year warranty. Prewired. Exceeds Coast Guard specifications for vessels up to 12 meters. MINI COMPACT ELECTRIC HORN 10035 10001 Item# Description Size Rating Volts List 120-10035 Single 3"L x 31/ 4"W x 13/ 4"H 105 db 12 72.39 EA 120-10001 Double 3"L x 8"W x 13/ 4"H 112 db 12 131.01 EA 304 stainless steel cover, diaphragm and mounting bracket. 1-Year warranty. STANDARD MINI COMPACT HORN Single Double Item# Description Size Rating Volts List 120-10036 Single 3"L x 31/ 4"W x 13/ 4"H 105 db 12 102.43 EA 120-10002 Double 3"L x 8"W x 13/ 4"H 112 db 12 196.63 EA All stainless steel inside and outside. 5-Year warranty. MINI COMPACT HORN Single Double Powder coated steel. At 107 decibels and a frequency (Hz) of 440±20A, this horn meets USCG COLREGS and ABYC standard A-23 for vessels under 12m (39'). NMMA Type Accepted #2577068. HIDDEN MOUNT MINI COMPACT HORN Item# A B C Rating Volts Amps List 354-4313101 35/ 16" 35/ 8" 19/ 16" 107db 12 3 34.24 EA Features ASA plastic covers for impact and UV resistance. Horn wiring has no polarity, so the negative or positive wire can be attached to either side. At 108 decibels and a frequency (Hz) of 440±20A, meets US Coast Guard's COLREGS and ABYC standard A-23 for use on vessels under 12m (39'). 12VDC. 12VDC. Item# Finish Size Rating Case List 354-4311531 Black 3 3/ 8" x 4 3/ 8" 108 db 6 41.89 EA 354-4311511 Chrome 3 3/ 8" x 4 3/ 8" 108 db 6 54.60 EA Black Chrome SONIC MINI COMPACT HORN Item# Description Size Rating Volts Case List 354-4311101 Single 3 5/ 16" x 3 5/ 8" 108 db 12 6 53.32 EA 354-4311201 Double 8" x 3 5/ 16" 111 db 12 6 104.14 EA Features a prewired, sealed sound unit with 304 stainless steel diaphragm and stamped 304 stainless cover. A drop-in replacement for many common OEM horns. Meets USCG COLREGS and ABYC standard A-23 for use on vessels under 12m (39'). NMMA Type Accepted. MINI COMPACT HORN Single Double Item# Description Size Case List 354-4311151 Single 35/ 16" x 35/ 8" 6 62.21 EA 354-4311251 Double 8" x 35/ 16" 6 116.88 EA Injection molded housing with a stamped 304 SS cover, which protects the internal components from corrosion. Completely rust-free after a 600 hour salt spray test! Meets USCG COLREGS and ABYC standard A-23 for use on vessels under 12m (39'). 5-year rust-free warranty. NMMA Type Accepted. MAX BLAST MINI COMPACT HORN Single Double