2025 Marine Catalogue - CANADA

GENERAL BOATING WATERSPORTS & BOATS SEATING COVERS/TOPS MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL HARDWARE PLUMBING PROPS & ANODES FUEL ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION SAFETY TROLLING & FISHING ANCHORING/ MOORING TRAILERING PAINT VENTILATION FASTENERS STEERING ENGINE ITEM NUMBERS IN RED ARE HAZARDOUS ITEMS IN BLUE ARE NEW D SEA VALUE Y OVERSIZED GCOURIER SURCHARGE SAFETY 185 Item# Size List 354-3271301 37/ 8" ID x 4" OD/2" D x 43/ 8" H 33.00 EA Can be used on 7/ 8" or 1" tubing or mounted directly to a flat surface. Comes complete with all necessary hardware. Made from marine grade stamped aluminum and powder coated for a long-lasting finish. RAIL MOUNT RING BUOY BRACKET Ring holder is constructed from anodized aluminum. Fits all sizes of ring buoys. Comes complete with 60' mildew resistant, white U.V. polypropylene floating heaving line with attached rope float. ® RING BUOY HOLDER W/HEAVING LINE In use Item# Size List 32-374 60' Line Length 49.96 EA Carbon Monoxide, Smoke and Fume Detectors • Easy two-wire installation • Includes visual & audible warnings The Remote Fire Detector (UL and ULC listed) and the Warning Panel included in the kit, monitors heat level and activates the red light on the Warning Panel and sounds a loud buzzer, built into the panel,when the temperature reaches 194°F or Rate of Rise is reached . Multiple Remote Fire Detectors can be wired in parallel on this boat fire alarm. Panel size 13/ 4" x 3". REMOTE FIRE DETECTOR Item# Description List 968-20234 Monitor Panel w/190° Detector 164.81 EA Opt. Accy. Description List 968-20514 190° Detector Only 97.00 EA 968-20512 135° Detector Only 90.74 EA Item# Size Volts List 968-20271 4" Dia. x 2" H 12/ 24 207.58 EA This direct, hard wired Smoke Detector is a photoelectric type that works off the ship's battery. SMOKE DETECTOR Item# Size Volts List 968-20275 3" x 13/ 4" 12 43.80 EA Warning panel with large red light and built-in audible buzzer. Designed to be used with 20271 Smoke Detector. SMOKE WARNING PANEL Item# Description Volts Color List CMD6-MB Series - Battery Operated 669-CMD6MBBR Battery Operated Black 213.84 EA 669-CMD6MBRBR w/Internal Relay Battery Operated Black 239.92 EA 669-CMD6MBR Battery Operated White 213.84 EA 669-CMD6MBRR w/Internal Relay Battery Operated White 239.92 EA CMD6-MD Series - 12/24 VDC 669-CMD6MDBR 12/24VDC Black 213.84 EA 669-CMD6MDRBR w/Internal Relay 12/24VDC Black 239.92 EA 669-CMD6MDR 12/24VDC White 213.84 EA 669-CMD6MDRR w/Internal Relay 12/24VDC White 239.92 EA • CMD6-MB (Battery models): Permanent lithium-metal internal battery for power. • CMD6-MD (12/24V DC models): Includes a permanent back-up battery Designed for Marine use w/new internal circuit board. Visible and audible alarm. Permanent deactivation method. Drip proof and salt spray corrosion tested. Chemical and solvent resistant housing. 3.5" H x 3.5" W x 1.2" D. Mounting screws included. Conforms to UL STD 2034. Appoximate 7 year life. CMD-6 CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM Black White www.Fireboy.com