2025 Marine Catalogue - CANADA

GENERAL BOATING WATERSPORTS & BOATS SEATING COVERS/TOPS MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL HARDWARE PLUMBING PROPS & ANODES FUEL ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION SAFETY TROLLING & FISHING ANCHORING/ MOORING TRAILERING PAINT VENTILATION FASTENERS STEERING ENGINE ITEM NUMBERS IN RED ARE HAZARDOUS ITEMS IN BLUE ARE NEW D SEA VALUE Y OVERSIZED GCOURIER SURCHARGE SECTION 301 SEATING Item# Description Height List 3-75402 Mounting Bracket 155.94 EA 3-7534310 Table leg 181/ 2" 503.32 EA Allows installation of table systems to any vertical surface. Top of the tube is tapered to accept Garelick 2.25" diameter table socket adapters. SIDE MOUNT TABLE LEG SYSTEM 75402 7534310 Salon table pedestal system offers mix and match components to create a fixed or adjustable height table system. Simply order the base, pedestal, and table top mounting bracket that fits your needs. Item# Description List 3-75442 Table top mounting bracket 543.37 EA 3-75356 Surface mt base only 121.00 EA 75442 75356 SALON TABLE PEDESTAL SYSTEM STOWABLE SET Item# Height List 3-75225 141/ 2" - 303/ 4" 654.47 EA • Converts dinettes to berths • 9" diameter cast aluminum base on each end for support • 27/ 8" smooth stanchion tube • In lower position inside tube goes below deck 6" • Anodized finish ADJUSTABLE TABLE BASE • 3-pc aluminum provides solid table base • Fluted profile stanchion with anodized finish • Quick stowage • 91/ 4" anodized aluminum base 2-7/8" STOWABLE TABLE PEDESTAL FOR LARGER BOATS 75351 Item# Description Height Material List 3-75351 3-Pc set, surface mount base 30" Aluminum 598.45 EA Opt. Accy. Material List 3-75358 Aluminum 192.56 EA • 23/ 8" double locking posts • Anodized finish • Use with any 23/ 8" Stowable table mount (sold separately) • Works with any Thread-Lock™ table base (sold separately) • Warranty: 5 Years THREAD-LOCK™ DOUBLE LOCKING POST Item# Height Finish List 169-1692027L1 27" Anodized Aluminum 117.45 EA Item# Finish List 169-1690001AL1 Anodized 75.41 EA 169-1690001SL Satin 60.49 EA 23/ 8" Threaded table base. Highstrength aluminum. 7" diameter with 53/ 4" hole pattern. Works with any 23/ 8" Thread-Lock™ table post (sold separately). 5 year warranty. THREAD-LOCK™ TABLE BASE Anodized Satin Item# Description Height Cut Out List 169-1660701 Locking Pedestal/Base 29" 31/ 2" 127.99 EA Uni-Lock table pedestal set includes: a high strength plastic table mount and a 23/ 8" diameter, 29" aluminum anodized post. 7" black plastic floor base with 53/ 4" hole pattern. Extends 2' below deck. Requires 31/ 2" hole in deck. UNI-LOCK TABLE POST AND BASE SET Item# Description Size List 169-1660703 Uni-Lock Base 7" 37.44 EA High strength black plastic base works with any 23/ 8" UniLock table post. 53/ 4" Hole pattern. UNI-LOCK TABLE BASE Item# Size List 169-1660704L 7" Dia. 40.67 EA High-strength black plastic table mount w/5" hole pattern. Works with any 23/ 8" Uni-Lock table post (sold separately). UNI-LOCK 2-3/8" TABLE MOUNT Recessed Mount. 5 year warranty. Package Includes: • Tabletop • 23/ 8" x 27" Locking Post (3660527) • 23/ 8" Anodized Table Mount (3660018) • 23/ 8" Anodized Table Base (3660017) STOWABLE TABLE PACKAGE Rectangle Oval Item# Description Size Color List 169-1690207 Rectangular Tabletop 16" x 28" White 298.33 EA 169-1690206 Oval Tabletop 18" x 30" White 299.80 EA • Engineered for marine use • All-aluminum solid table base • Fluted profile stanchion with anodized finish • Quick stowage • Tapered on both ends for snug fit Flush mount base requires drilling into deck and extends 2.75" below deck. 2-1/4" STOWABLE TABLE PEDESTAL FOR SMALLER BOATS Item# Description Material Size List 3-75345 Flush mount base only Aluminum 126.21 EA 3-75347 Fluted taper stanchion post only (flush mount) Aluminum 30" 70.19 EA 3-75348 Fluted taper stanchion post only (surface mount) Aluminum 283/ 4" 115.68 EA