GENERAL BOATING WATERSPORTS & BOATS SEATING COVERS/TOPS MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL HARDWARE PLUMBING PROPS & ANODES FUEL ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION SAFETY TROLLING & FISHING ANCHORING/ MOORING TRAILERING PAINT VENTILATION FASTENERS STEERING ENGINE ITEM NUMBERS IN RED ARE HAZARDOUS ITEMS IN BLUE ARE NEW D SEA VALUE Y OVERSIZED GCOURIER SURCHARGE ELECTRONICS 65 Item# Description Size Fits List 922-LMP1 Pole Mount 2.5m (8.3') 2kW / 4kW Raymarine, Garmin and Navico BR24 / 3G / 4G Radomes 4157.19 EA Ensures your radar stays level with the horizon at all times for optimum antenna performance. As the boat heels or rolls, the radar is kept horizontal, preventing target loss and giving the best possible radar picture. • Damping system reacts to large heel angle changes • 2 Cable channels with a cover strip to hide cables • 360° Adjustable anodized aluminum base enables for sloping transoms or level decks • 2 support modules for maximum fore / aft and sideways support • Easily removable for storage SELF LEVELLING RADAR POLE MOUNT Item# Fits List 922-LMM1 2kW/4kW Raymarine, Garmin & Navico BR24/3G/4G Radomes 2040.73 EA Self-Levelling mount ensure your radar stays level with the horizon for optimum performance. As the boat heels or rolls, the radar is kept horizontal preventing target loss and giving the best possible picture. Positions your radar away from any interference, leaving a clear deck free from obstruction. SELF LEVELING RADAR MAST MOUNT Self-Levelling mount ensure your radar stays level with the horizon for optimum performance. As the boat heels or rolls, the radar is kept horizontal preventing target loss and giving the best possible picture. Positions your radar away from any interference, leaving a clear deck free from obstruction. SELF LEVELING RADAR BACKSTAY MOUNT Item# Description Fits List 922-LMBA1 Mounts aft of Backstay 2kW/4kW Raymarine, Garmin & Navico BR24/3G/4G Radomes 3237.87 EA 922-LMBF1 Mounts forward of Backstay 2kW/4kW Raymarine, Garmin & Navico BR24/3G/4G Radomes 3103.89 EA • Angles your radar down 4° for a level radar horizon when underway • Base seal ensures a watertight install Item# Description Fits List 922-WDRAD01 4° Base Wedge Radome 296.14 EA 4° BASE WEDGE Optional GPS/VHF Antenna Bar for some PowerTower mounts. Fabricated with 6082 Aluminum and finished with a polyester powder coat for a durable, white gloss finish. CENTRAL ACCESSORY BAR APTLBGPS201 APTLB01BLK APTGPS01 APTLB01 Item# Description Color Fits List 922-APTGPS01 GPS/VHF Antenna Bar White APT15001 & APT25001 296.25 EA 922-APTLB01 Navlight Bar White APT15001 & APT25001 312.63 EA 922-APTLB01BLK Navlight Bar Black APT15001 & APT25001 295.83 EA 922-APTLBGPS201 GPS/VHF Antenna(x2) & Navlight Bar White APT15001 & APT25001 506.39 EA Item# List 922-50100 363.79 EA For masts with an integral track at the front which makes it difficult to fit a Scanstrut mast mount. Fits all Scanstrut Mast Mounts. Compatible with Z-Spars, Selden, Isomat, Eurospars Masts. Marine grade 6082 aluminum, polyester powder coated for a durable, gloss white finish. MAST MOUNT ADAPTER KIT