ALU-RIB 270 290 Length (m) 2.70 2.90 Weight (kg) 38 41 Max. persons 3 4 Max. hp 10 15 h Aluminium V-floor h Anti-skid floor pads h Keel protection h Tow D-rings h Multiple carrying handles ALU-RIB 270/290. Luxury and Spacious tender for your boat! ALU-RIB 320/380/420. Comfortable and Stable in all weather conditions! h Aluminium Double Hull with flat-floor h Bow locker (possible to fit the fuel tank) h Anti-skid floor pads h Reinforced transom h Transom lifting eyes h Tow D-rings h Multiple carrying handles h Keel protection Sport HD. The perfect companion for fishing and diving fans! h Aluminium floor h Keel protection h Reinforced Tow D-rings h Multiple carrying handles Sport HD 365 420 470 Length (m) 3.65 4.20 4.70 Weight (kg) 79 115 129 Max. persons 6 8 10 Max. hp 25 40 60 ALU-RIB 320 380 420 Length (m) 3.20 3.80 4.20 Weight (kg) 61.3 92 115 Max. persons 5 7 8 Max. hp 20 30 40 V-Floor Flat-floor Aluminium Floor Models Item# Model 720-AA360004N Sport HD 365 720-AA380128N Sport HD 365 (Red) 720-AA470046N Sport HD 470 Item# Model 720-AA270160N ALU-RIB 270 720-AA290024N ALU-RIB 290 Item# Model 720-AA320042N ALU-RIB 320 720-AA380129N ALU-RIB 380 720-AA420005N ALU-RIB 420 3.5M Hypalon Model also available Item# 720-AA350070N See specifications on next page. Y OVERSIZED COURIER SURCHARGES MAY APPLY Red Model Available