© 2023 Mercury Marine. All Right Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. 9/23 When the only option is total protection, Quicksilver has an option for every marine engine. Quicksilver 4-Stroke Marine Engine Oil Superior corrosion and wear protection made possible by industry-leading strength and viscosity retention. Tested in rigorous conditions to exceed industry standards for all marine engine brands. Formulated with a unique blend of additives to perform in harsh marine environments, for the ultimate in peace of mind on the water. n Tested i i Formulated w ditions 10W-30 Synthetic Blend 10W-30 Premium Mineral 25W-40 Premium Mineral 25W-40 Synthetic Blend 10W-40 Premium Mineral 5W-30 Full Synthetic orrosion and wea Superior co r protection www.quicksilver-products.com 10W-30 Full Synthetic with a unique blen High Performance 25W-50 Synthetic Blend 10W-30 25W-40 20W-40 Premium Mineral Quicksilver’s TC-W3 Premium, Premium Plus and Direct Fuel Injection Oil outperforms other 2-Stroke oils in marine applications due to its specialized additive package designed for marine engines. Performance. Protection. Peace of Mind. © 2023 Mercury Marine. All Right Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. 9/23 outperfo applicat package www.quicksilver-products.com 2-Stroke Marine Engine Oils • Industry leading wear, shear, and corrosion protection. • Ultimate wear protection keeps engine parts looking and operating as new for longer. • Maintain peak engine performance and reliability. • Advanced corrosion inhibitors outperform competition and TCW standards. • Protects in harsh marine environments, and off-season storage. as well as during intermittent use. ver’s TC-W3 d Direct Fue rmance orms other tions due to e designed f er-products.c 3 Premium, Prem el Injection Oil e. Protect 2-Stroke oils in its specialized a for marine engin com mi tio ma add nes um on. P e e ar dit s. rin tiv Peace o • Indus • Ultim • Main • Adva • Prote of Mind. stry leading wear, shear, and corrosion protection. mate wear protection keeps engine parts looking and operating as new for longer. ntain peak engine performance and reliability. anced corrosion inhibitors outperform competition and TCW standards. ects in harsh marine environments, and off-season storage. as well as during intermittent use. rrosion protection for longer